Currently Browsing: Ema 63 articles
I’m so glad that you are here! I have created this website to be as kind and welcoming as the warmth of my kitchen. And now I’m opening my kitchen up to you. Do What Ema Says is a Food Blog written for chefs and home cooks with a discriminating palate and sensible budget. I […]
What is food on the floor?
Anyone else have this happen to them? You make dinner for your family & it is just about ready to serve. At exactly the same time the light you need for your food pic is fading. There in the garden is the elusive glow of golden hour that you have heard about, but it really […]
What is Fill Yer Fridge?
There are recipes that come & go based on seasonality, your family’s preferences & your pantry. I’ll be posting those each week and you will find those recipes in the Food On The Floor section. Then there are also not-so-basic basics that I recommend having in your fridge most of the time. These basics, such […]
I talk to myself about butter
Skip the flowers; bring me butter. That’s what I heard myself say, talking out loud in the kitchen while I was making breakfast. I was frying eggs & spinach & I pulled out the good butter from the fridge. Not the regular unsalted, supermarket, stick butter that I use for cooking, but the good stuff. […]