Chocolate Truffles to be Given Away
When I hear of boxes of Rum Truffles dusted in Wilbur Cocoa & Peppermint Truffles rolled in crushed Andes Mint Cremés, I don’t image biting into one and getting that rush of chocolate-laced endorphins. I think holiday gifts in cute tins for the neighbors, the co-workers, the teachers. Confession time, my friends: I don’t like most American chocolates. I really don’t have much of a sweet tooth. I know that makes me a freak. Here I am waving my freak flag! I DO know lots of other people love chocolate & love it when I make them homemade gifts. While this gift is super easy, basically a fudge recipe, it still counts as a homemade gift. Furthermore, it has store made food product items in it like sweetened condensed milk & maybe candies & I am usually all about using only food & not food products. It is STILL okay & I am still okay with it.
I’m a healthy Ema who understands that sometimes people want chocolate truffles for a holiday I don’t celebrate like Easter, or Christmas, or Diwali. You can be healthy & also make not-so-healthy food sometimes. We haven’t failed ourselves or each other if we don’t fall perfectly into neat categories like being called the healthy cook. Be kind to yourselves, sweeties.
This recipe should make something atrocious like 72 truffles. Put them in fancy boxes, tins, or jars & give away as gifs. Honest to Pete, do not eat 4 or 5 of them in one sitting; your dreams will be so totally weird if you sleep at all. Dollar stores sell cellophane bags, paper boxes & tins that are all make your gift look fancy. Just don’t ever put food directly onto a tin, okay? Use wax paper, parchment or tissue paper.

NOTE: You will be making balls that are warmed from shaping & need to be cooled again. The parchment paper is great because the chocolate doesn’t stick & to it.
Cooking tip: I have a useless melon baller (wastes so much of the fruit!) that I use to scrape out a ball (less than an inch). I then roll the truffle ball in my hands until it is a circular shape.
If you want the truffles to be rolled in cocoa or nuts, or have salt on top do that now. Cocoa powder needs 2 coatings or so.
Place these truffles on your freezer paper in your storage container. Repeat. This can take a serious hour of hand rolling so facetime someone, listen to music or something.