Ice Cream Base
Thanks to a generous gift from my first born, I have an ice cream machine at home & can make up lots of different crazy flavors – we’ve had blueberry cheesecake, cardamon cappuccino, dark chocolate pomegranate, ginger pecan pie, lemon curd, scotch french vanilla, honey thyme, salted caramel pecan, cinnamon Grape-Nuts, lemon basil, chai, roasted chestnut with apple crisp swirl, just to name a few.

While I play with my ice cream flavors, my base tends to be the same – a custard that you make one afternoon, let sit in the fridge a few hours or overnight & churn the next day.

Also, because this calls for a lot of egg yokes, if you have chickens this is definitely the recipe for you…

You know what is my favorite Ice Cream Topping? Himalayan Pink Salt!
So here is my ice cream base recipe – feel free to tweak it! Go ahead, lovlies, add your own flavors & inventiveness!

If you use fresh herbs, I recommend using a sachet to hold fresh herbs in as they soak in the custard. That makes it simple to remove them before churning.