Mushrooms & Leeks in Sherry Sage Butter
And, yes, it is a great way to eat good butter.
Leeks are very versatile veggies – they are in the onion world and super satisfying. Some recipes tell you to chop off and discard the dark green parts and use only the white part at the bottom. ACK! Why?!? The dark green leaves take a few minutes longer to sauteé so chop them and cook them first. And, all the parts of a leek can be dirty so definitely wash them before using. Some people recommend that you chop them, place them in water in a glass jar (like a big measuring cup) and watch the sand fall to the bottom. That’s probably a good idea. I like cutting strips down the length of the leek and washing them under running water. A few years ago my daughter said that I looked like something from a movie and showed me the Johnny English Reborn scene where Rowan Atkinson cooks dinner. And so now, seriously, every time I cook with leeks, I wash them, carry them dripping water all over the floor to the sliding door that leads to the back patio, step outside, and vigorously twirl them while singing In The Hall Of The Mountain King. There usually is a stray leek leaf or two on the patio stone having gone airborne after I have prepped for a soup or galette or these Mushrooms and Leeks in Sherry Butter. My neighbors have never mentioned it.
